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Your shopping list and stock list all in one place



AVAILABLE TO ALL HOUSEHOLDS AND SMALL BUSINESSES. STOCCT provides a simple solution which puts money back into YOUR pocket.

We provide a mobile shopping list, available while you shop.

We keep an updated, well organised list of all items currently in your household.

Have fun while creating your own categories.

We have designed a very beautiful and easy to use APP available on the APP store to assist you to keep on top of your spending. The list can be updated manually for items without barcodes or use the camera on your phone to update the rest.

Create a "Target list" or "Target inventory" of items regularly used in the household. Essential items you want to ensure you don't run out off e.g. toiletpaper, soap, butter etc.

It is as simple as scanning the barcode of the item to add it to your Target List or Stock list. Or scan the barcode when you dispose of it, to remove it from your stock list. Once scanned out, the item is added to a neatly compiled shopping list. The shopping list has the capability of a shop now and shop later function. The shopping list can also be shared with someone else to shop for you.

Now you know exactly which items needs to be replaced.


How does this benefit you?

The most important benefit is you save money.

Secondly, you are always prepared for the unknown.

You know exactly which items you have in stock.

Your shopping list is handy and already updated when you shop online for items to be delivered.

You do not run out of stock. Start by subscribing to Stocct for only $9.99 per month

You will not just SAVE on your grocery spending, you also save on shopping bags, you SAVE on valuable time and fuel. The time it takes you to get into your car, drive to the shops, find parking, then going through the isles to purchase your items.

Start your subscription now.



Start saving now.